Welcome to 2021, where everything is a tinge brighter. Things are moving on to a more positive path. The world seems to be getting closer to normal again, and we're welcoming happy thoughts back into our realm.
The latest trend? Manifestation. Manifesting a dream vacation, an ideal lifestyle, or even a glimmering future. Nothing seems to be out of reach. All is yours to grab if you just manifest it enough. We see it time and again all over social media, one meme after another. Well, Rollover Reaction has a manifestation tale to tell.
As a brand, we have a dream to expand our reach through both online and offline means. We hustle to make it a reality, as we should! And since 2019, three new digital features have been added to our shopping experience. In addition to that, we had plans to open up a new retail location somewhere in 2020. However, with COVID-19, we had to think above and beyond. So we put all the pieces together and decided to roll out a vending machine inside our store at Plaza Indonesia.
We have always been inclined towards technology as it embodies our fuss-free value, and it enables us to reach more areas with as minimal physical contact as possible. Vending machines in the local beauty industry are nothing new, but since this is our first vending machine, we want to make our retail store its first home before we move it to the next destination.
And here it is, the first #RollOnTheGo at Plaza Indonesia.

We know that this is just the beginning of #RollOnTheGo, and there's room for improvements. With the help of our customers and social media community, we will make changes based on the survey findings (more about that here) to smooth the operation of our vending machines. What was a manifestation is now a checked box.
The journey was long, but that's what makes this thing special! Thank you for being a part of this journey. If you’ve tried our vending machine, feel free to tell us your experience here!
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